Let’s Play: Music Moves with me and my awesome creative team

Free online session (Zoom)

Date: Tue, 14 February 2023

Time: 9:30am – 11.30am 

Brought to you by Culture Bridge North East

You will learn about the endless possibilities when working creatively with two-year-olds. They are utterly unique individuals and mindful explorers. They are competent, brave and capable. Judge for yourself how these children responded to Music Moves project activity, by reflecting on video clips of the work in practice. There will be resources to take away into your own practice.

Myself and the legendary Dr Jessica Pitt and will guide you through what engagement looked and sounded like for the two-year-olds engaged in the Music Moves project. There were many surprises for the team here.

Gwyneth Lamb, (my mentor and advisor) is our external evaluator, and will be present to share key learning from the project which will be taken into our future projects.

Find out how to tune into two-year-olds using playful music, movement, singing and animal assisted work

John Croft is the head teacher. I have worked with John since 2009, and he was the first person I contacted when I knew I was coming back to the world of early years music. He will talk to us about the challenges and rewards of facilitating such open-ended, exploratory work in his nursery school.

Meet early years practitioners Annie Horsborough and Libby Heppell, who care for the children every single day. Working alongside these wonderful humans has taught me so much. I have learned so much about early years practice and the unique preferences of each and every child. Annie and Libby will share how the project impacted and engaged their children, as well as what it was actually like being part of the Music Moves project.

Lesley Forrester and I have worked together in North Tyneside since 2013. She is a will share highlights from the animal assisted work she led with her golden retriever Heidi, and team of therapy hens.


A big thankyou to

for this free event

I am proud to be Culture Bridge North East’s (CBNE) EYFS Consultant.

I have CBNE to thank for my return to early years music. Their appointment of me as EYFS Consultant in May 2021 inspired me to return to this work, after a six year career break whilst I looked after my child.

I have guided CBNE in setting up their early years offer Let’s Play.

I am delighted that I can bring both aspects of my work together in this unique event.

Although this event is free to access, the true cost of this runs into thousands of pounds. The expertise in the room with us is quite humbling.

Head teacher, early years practitioners, me, Dr Jessica Pitt, Lesley Forrester, Gwyneth Lamb, Culture Bridge North East team, Arts Marketing Association Tech support. 

I am so proud that this event is free for anyone to access from anywhere in the world.